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Trial production

Clutch disc 71.36244-1601130 " Trial"

Article: ÓÒ000016919
Application: PAZ 320402-03 engine.Cummins ISBe-185 / gearbox-ZF-S5-42 MAZ-4370 Zubrenok engine. MMZ 245. 30E2-469 DAF: LF 45 45.220/FA 45.150/FA 45.170/FA 45.180/FA 45.220 01- \ MAN: L 2000 10.145 LC, 1 KAMAZ 4308 engine. Cummins, B5. 90-180CIV-0 / gearbox-ZF-6S-850,
Unit of measure: pcs
Price, rub: 2778